Docker container runtime
Build and run container images with Docker.
This build can only access files in the home directory. So Dockerfiles and all other files used in commands like docker build, docker save and docker load need to be in $HOME.
You can change the configuration of this build by modifying the files in /var/snap/docker/current/.
Additional certificates used by the Docker daemon to authenticate with registries need to be added in /var/snap/docker/current/etc/docker/certs.d (instead of /etc/docker/certs.d). This directory can be accessed by other snaps using the docker-registry-certificates content interface.
但在实际使用的时候,尤其是用Docker装mysql是,如果使用者想用-v 挂载映射数据目录时就烦难了。沙河技术虽有安全性的保障,但控制权应交个用户,至少对高级用户提供一个方式可循就行。